

Do I need a business license/registration?
County ordinances require that all businesses in the County that are required by the State to pay gross receipts taxes apply for either a business license or registration and renew it every year. The designation as either a license or registration depends on the type of business you have, but the application process is the same.
Are home businesses required to have a registration?
Yes, if they are required to pay gross receipt taxes on a business conducted in the County they need to have a registration.
Do I need more than one registration if I do business at more than one location in the County?
In most cases, yes. Separate branches of the same business need separate registrations, but we will only require a single registration for vending machines, Billboards, or ATMs with multiple locations under a single ownership
Where do I obtain a tax identification number for paying gross receipts tax in New Mexico?
A tax identification number (CRS number) can be obtained from the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department at this link NM Taxation & Revenue or at the Joseph Montoya Building, 110 St. Francis Drive in Santa Fe on the corner of St. Francis and Cordova, (505-827-0832).
Do vendors, peddlers, and door to door solicitors and salespersons need to have a business registration?
Yes. Itinerant food vendors also need a food establishment permit from the State of New Mexico Environment Department at (their website) or by phone: (505) 827-1840. Consult with a planner in our department for further information.
What's the fee for a registration and how long does it take?
Registration Fee is $35.00. The registration may take up to 7 business days in order to obtain all the required signatures.
How long is my license or registration good for?
A license or registration is good for one year. January through December. Please avoid penalties and late fees by promptly sending in your renewal fee.
Where can I find the complete set of County regulations governing registrations?
A copy of Ordinance 2019-002 governing registration is available in the County Clerk’s office, or online at our County web site.