

Cibola County List of Registered Businesses
Support your local businesses and check them out here.  Cibola County Business Registrations October 2021

Cibola County Business Registration Information

Thank you for your interest in doing business in Cibola County. Before filling out the application form, here are the answers to a few commonly asked questions:
Cibola County Business Registration Information
Do I need a business license/registration?
County ordinances require that all businesses in the County that are required by the State to pay gross receipts taxes apply for either a business license or registration and renew it every year. The designation as either a license or registration depends on the type of business you have, but the application process is the same.
Are home businesses required to have a registration?
Yes, if they are required to pay gross receipt taxes on a business conducted in the County they need to have a registration.
Where do I obtain a tax identification number for paying gross receipts tax in New Mexico?
A tax identification number (CRS number) can be obtained from the Cibola County Clerk’s office or through the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department at this link: NM Taxation & Revenue or at the Joseph Montoya Building, 110 St. Francis Drive in Santa Fe on the corner of St. Francis and Cordova, (505-827-0832).
Do I need more than one registration if I do business at more than one location in the County?
In most cases, yes. Separate branches of the same business need separate registrations, but we will only require a single registration for vending machines, Billboards, or ATMs with multiple locations under a single ownership.
My business is registered outside County jurisdiction because my office is located there, but I'm a contractor or Real Estate agent and provide services within the County. Am I required to register with the County also?
Yes. Businesses that provide services or sell property and collect Gross Receipts taxes based on the location of the product or service are required to register.
Do vendors, peddlers, and door-to-door solicitors and salespersons need to have a business registration?
Yes. Itinerant food vendors also need a food establishment permit from the State of New Mexico Environment Department at or by phone: (505) 827-1840.
What's the fee for registration and how long does it take?
Registration Fee is $35.00. The registration may take up to 1-2 business days in order to obtain all the required signatures and reviews.
How long is my license or registration good for?
A registration is good for one year: January through December. Please avoid penalties and late fees by promptly sending in your renewal fee.
Where can I find the complete set of County regulations governing registrations?
A copy of Ordinance 2019-002 governing registration is available in the County Clerk’s office, or online at our County web site,